Watching the David Ray Griffin lecture all the way from the bar.

First 9/11 Event in Suriname: Final Report

Yesterday was the fourth and last day of the 4-day 9/11 event I organized together with a friend who has lots of experience with organizing many different kinds of events. I am overall satisfied with how things went, although I had hoped it would have been much better. The event lasted from November 24th till November 27th, each day from 6pm to 10pm.

One of the things that I am not very satisfied with is the fact that the press did not show up, with the exception of two reporters from two of the leading local newspapers called “De Ware Tijd” and “Dagblad Suriname.” We had invited at least 10 different media companies. The reason why we invited them was not to receive publicity, but we wanted them to attend at least the first two days so they could see how the mainstream media in the USA has failed to do their jobs for many years now. The local media usually just copy newsarticles from the mainstream media in the USA and Europe, without realizing they have an agenda and allowing the large scale manipulation to reach the local population in Suriname. I wanted them to realize this and as a result to be more cautious with how they report international news and to encourage them to start looking at the non-mainstream sources for alternative information.

After looking at the movies on the first day of the event, which discussed the mainstream media in the USA, one of the journalists who attended the event said “I had absolutely no idea things were THIS bad with the media in the USA, no idea.” And this coming from a journalist. And many other people made similar remarks as well.

We had a total of between 40 and 50 people attending the event in the 4 days which is the number of people I hoped to reach with this first event. However some of them did not attend all 4 days. We had the most people on the last day. Overall we got a lot of positive feedback from everyone who attended. People were really glad to receive all the information they got from the movies and from the discussions. I’m not a very good presenter, mostly because I get very nervous, but the movies spoke for themselves. And in the end, David Ray Griffin really nailed it, as he always does.

The following movies were shown:

  • Day 1: Outfoxed, Orwell Rolls in his Grave
  • Day 2: Terror Storm, The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 Newsspecial you never saw
  • Day 3: Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime, 9/11 Eyewitness
  • Day 4: 9/11 Mysteries: Demolitions, 9/11 In Plane Site (first 30 minutes), Denmark lecture by David Ray Griffin

I’m also really glad I choose to do this event at Leaders Group Conference Room. The location looked very very nice and they have some really high-tech equipment. In addition, the service we received from them was very good as well. Many of the guests were very impressed.

Here are some pictures from the event:

At the end of the fourth day I gave all the attendees a CD with some extra material which included a recording of the CSPAN broadcast of the American Scholars Symposium and some radio interviews with Prof. James Fetzer, Prof. Steven Jones, Prof. David Ray Griffin and Barry Zwicker among other things.

We also gave away 4 books by David Ray Griffin to 4 lucky winners, namely a copy of “The New Pearl Harbor,” a copy of “The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions” and two copies of “Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11.”

We asked all attendees on the last day to fill out a survey for us as well. The results are as follows:

  1. What did you think of the way the event was promoted?
    Good: 33.33%, Reasonable: 42.86%, Bad: 23.81%
  2. How did you like the location and facilities?
    Good: 95.24%, Reasonable: 4.76%, Bad: 0%
  3. How did you like the quality of the sound and screen?
    Good: 71.43%, Reasonable: 28.57%, Bad: 0%
  4. How did you like the quality of the food and beverages?
    Good: 85.71%, Reasonable: 14.29%, Bad: 0%
  5. Did the event meet your expectations?
    No: 0%, Reasonable: 33.33%, Yes: 66.67%
  6. Did the event give you new insights regarding the events on 9/11?
    No: 0%, Barely: 28.57%, It was a real eye-opener: 71.43%
  7. How credible did you find the information?
    Not at all: 0%, Reasonable: 28.57%, Very credible: 71.43%
  8. Would you recommend this information to others?
    No: 0%, Maybe: 9.52%, I’ll begin with it ASAP: 90.48%
  9. Would you participate in follow-up events?
    No: 0%, Not sure: 9.52%, Absolutely: 90.48%

A final question asked what information had the most impact on the attendees. We got various answers here, but mostly people seemed to be impacted by the information in “Terror Storm” which made them realize that there is a long history of false flag operations. Many didn’t know about this. They also liked the footage in “9/11 Eyewitness” and “9/11 Mysteries Demolitions.” People seemed to especially appreciate the scientific research that was discussed in these movies and the information about the media.

And with that I conclude this report of the 4-day 9/11 event and look forward to the next one.


  1. Karel Donk » Archive » Bad Influence of the US Embassy in Suriname (08/02/2007)
  2. Karel Donk » Archive » Getting 9/11 Documentaries broadcasted on TV (13/05/2007)


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